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Natural Spice Chai

Natural Spice Chai



All spice

Made from premium berries of the tropical Pimenta dioica tree in South America, this seasoning is freshly harvested and ground, ensuring richer flavour and potency of anti-inflammatory properties. A versatile staple, it offers vibrant woody and clove-like characters.

Black tea

Referred to as ‘Red tea’ in China, a description of the colour of the liquid. In contrast, the English term ‘black tea’ refers to the colour of the oxidized leaves. Black tea is considered to be fully oxidised, although there is still a range of oxidation possible in manufacturing black tea.


Watch Step by Step

Watch and follow along with our step by step footage for a curated experiences.

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Step 1: Weigh & Prepare

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Step 2: Whisk

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Step 3: Heat & Texture

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Step 4: Serve

Watch Step by Step


Step 1: Weigh & Prepare


Step 2: Whisk


Step 3: Heat & Texture


Step 4: Serve

Infusion Guide with Notes

notes and tips

    • Natural Spice Chai
    • Scoop
    • Whisk
    • Jug
    • Strainer
    • Scales
    • Steam wand
    • Cup/Glass

notes and tips

    • Pre-weigh Honey Fresh Chai and your chosen milk. The ratio is 10 g of chai for every 100 mL of milk. A standard cup equates to 20 g chai (1 tablespoon) and 200 mL milk.

notes and tips

    • Pour milk into a steam jug or saucepan before adding the Fresh Chai. Whisk the chai into the cold milk vigorously until the ingredients are dispersed and the colour has slighty transformed. Note: Please do not add hot water at this stage.

notes and tips

    • Steam Wand method:
    • Steam until your chai reaches 65°C. To create a silky texture place tip of steam wand just left of centre so milk spins in a circular motion - this will ensure a creamy mouthfeel is achieved.

    • Stovetop method:
    • Continuously stir until your chai reaches 65°C. If you don't have a thermometer small simmering bubbles will be an indication of the correct temperature. Please do not boil.

notes and tips

    • Pour chai through a strainer into a cup or glass. Optionally garnish with Spice Dust

Essential Equipments

Having the right equipment is the foundation to making a good brew. We've accumulated a collection which will compliment your serve & ensure you experience full flavours.


Stainless Steel Milk Jug

Stainless steel



Fresh Chai Strainer

Conical Mesh, Stainless Steel



Chai Spice Dust



Spice Dust Steel Shaker

Stainless steel
